Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I have realized that more often than not, when I meet up with my friends, something very exciting happens, and this time, I felt emotion that I haven't felt in a long time! I felt stirrings that I had thought vanquished.

I went to meet my pal, and she was at this eatery/pub that was outdoors. I approached the table she was at and she was smiling up at me, I smiled back and looked to see who else was at her table, there were two other men, and then there was him. He was bringing a bottle of beer to his lips...i think they told me their names at that point, but I only had eyes for him.

“Hi, am Anne”, I said extending my hand for handshakes all round, then I took a seat between him and the other guy who turned out to be his brother. I asked to be introduced again, “just for clarity”, and then asked what they had been talking about; that got them back on track and the attention away from me. I cast a furtive glance at him and, God! Was he good looking!! and boy! Could I stare!

Now I have this uncanny ability to do several things at the same time; i can carry on a conversation with one person on this subject and with another about something totally different with the simple use of, “where was I? Oh, yeah....then she said that it was too expensive, can you believe her?!” and I would still have space in my head to think of what shoes I would wear the next day, how I need to pick up that new movie; and the things I would do with him if we were alone...

There I was having my girl explain to me what the conversation they were having was about, between listening to her colleague trying to decode and decipher my name, trying to ignore the delicious smell of him and letting my mind wander to such far places all with him in them.

Maybe its just me, but do all women visualize being with the objects of their attraction?...

“Can I please have a ginger ale with a slice of lemon?” my choice of drink raised objection from all of them to which I had to convince them that I would partake of the alcoholic family of beverages when we got to the next stop.

Oh, oh, I actually decided to try my hand at this drinking business. I went out with a pal and I discovered this divinely sweet drink; Malibu. It is sweet and has a little burn, a warmth to it....
So I downed my sweet new discovery and I got high fast!!! I don't know if it is the sugar or the alcohol that got to me first, but I felt an out of this world sugar rush and then a highly potent feeling that was bordering on unawareness...Hey!! am new at this, let me have my 15 seconds of awe at being high; and I think after 4 neat doubles of this sweet stuff; and being a newbie of sorts, I was knacker-ed!
I am just glad I was with a friend so I wasn't totally embarrassed (not that I really cared), that he watched me stuff my face with a plateful of glazed chicken wings because of the serious case of the munchies that I got after the drinks....

Back in the present, we left and my friend tells me that she would leave with the other guys and if I could leave with Mr. Gorgeous then we would meet up later, I wasn't given room to argue with that, so off we went to “The Office” such an uncanny name for a pub, pure genius!
He drives fast and now that we are locked up in this seemingly tiny space, all can smell and feel is his scent and I want to lean over to him, so I hold on to the seat and I hope that this would be read as fear and not me practicing restraint.
“You are pretty, you know..” he says to me, and I reply with a “Why, thank you. I like your eyes” (and the way you smile, and the way you lick your lips...though I did not say that.)

He is tall and casually puts his arm around my shoulders, his scent enveloping me, Givenchy? Blue? I cant quite place it....

I am glad to see my pal and I slump next to her on the couch. I like this place, the lighting is really nice, the couches and bucket seats in black leather, the floor tiles a white with blue splotches of water - thing going on. The lighting is intimate without necessarily crowding the place unlike that dark club with red lighting which requires you to use sonar to find your way!
I ask for sweet white wine and get comfortable; I nod my head to the “old skool” music that is playing and showing on the screens; DJ Joe of Capital knows his stuff, I muse.

I look at him and I smile and cover my blush with a sip of my wine. My pal leaves and am left looking at him, I shift seats and get between him and his brother, splitting my attention between the two of them. My wine seems to be refilling itself coz I never run out!

I am whispering in his ear and my lips brush up on the side of his face, I cant help it, I kiss him right below his ear and then on the line of his jaw, I look into his eyes and then turn back to his brother though not for long and I turn again and this time, I don't stop at his jaw line, his lips are soft on mine, not demanding anything, just giving and I guess my fate was sealed; the whole pub went quiet, like nothing else existed at that moment apart from him and I......