Let’s talk about the cons.
It took quite some thinking for me to take the rose petal glasses and look at the truth, so I searched out a few women who had been in such a position, pretty easy considering that almost all women have been the other woman with or without their knowledge and/or consent.
It’s easy enough to get all kinds of information from someone when they think that you are not trying to get any information from them…so if am stepping on your toes right now; if by any chance I quote you, at least am not going to mention any names.
Being the other woman is like being on a new ride, you don’t know what surprise lies around the next bend and it either shocks you or totally surprises you, either way, it’s a ride!
One of the things that most of the women said, and agreed upon was the ending; let me expound:
She had been with him, knowing fully well she was the other woman, for about 4 years, and then he decided that “it was the right thing to do”…..now, I don’t know about you, but if you send me a text and you suddenly have a bout of conscience, and you want to “do the right thing”, that means you have either:
• found someone else who gives it better than me
• think that I am cheating
• or your wife/girlfriend called you out on your cheating ass
so this guy hasn’t the balls to actually tell you this over dinner or even in bed, but texts you, well I would tell you that you are better off without him, but it stings that he dint have the courtesy and after 4 years! Please!!
So that was number one on the cons list, the fact that when they want out, you don’t matter, you don’t have an opinion, you get jack shit!
I really “felt them” on this one, coz it’s almost the same with relationships, when “they” want out, what you think has no pull on the issue.
One of the ladies was really passionate about this, she actually ‘ranted’ on and on, actually got a lot from her; “men suck” was her mantra for the night.
“Its all about him, everything has to go his way, his time, his place to choose, his way, his...his..His...”
She felt cheated that the man only thought about himself! Of course it’s about him!!! When he wants another woman, and you agreed, you should have read the fine print!
It’s about him because to some extent, he is paying for “it” [read, “You”] and thus, he gets to call the shots.
You are basically his fantasy because he can ask you to do things he wouldn’t ask his wife/girlfriend to do.
You are supposed to go at his whim and answer to him.
I guess that is one of the draw backs that we don’t want to look at, oh, well.
“Sometimes you don’t feel like being with them, but you feel like you owe them”
Lets see, you owe them because when you need something from them, they give it to you, so you are kind of in a “give-get” relationship, so deal with it, you knew what you were getting yourself into, so suck it up little missy and “give”.
By now, you may have realized that I am being a little, [ok, a lot] mean, but it comes with the subject matter, and I am also trying to talk myself into not being the other woman, I figure, if I am brutally honest and blunt with the cons, I will not be tempted with the pros.
And another reason, the little B***#@ are whinny!!! OMG!! It’s annoying just being in the same room with them, like being with spoilt brats!
So the best reason for me was this, “if being the other woman will turn me into a whinny bitch, I don’t want none of that!”
There you go me girlies, if you still want to, then go ahead, that is one train am going to give a miss! I would rather be a cougar!
Have an “other-“day, wont you.
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