Saturday, November 5, 2011

Of Girls and Partying....

Party Girls and relationships, do guys take PG’s seriously, would they marry one?
If you are a guy and you are reading this, would you marry a PG?
I met my friends pal, they went to uni together and being the loud mouth that I am [I have “foot-in-mouth” disease]I asked him how come he is the only one who hasn’t gone and gotten hitched. He said a very surprising thing, “well, I couldn’t marry any of the girls I used to go partying with. I want to marry a girl who is gentle and will not compete with me when it comes to going out.”
For the first time in a long while, I dint have a come-back, I think its called “growing up and learning to pick your battles”. I looked at him and I thought, ”well, aint that mighty of you?” sarcastically of course; I don’t know how to think any other way. There he was all that time going out with these girls and having fun with them but when it comes to making commitments, the girls are suddenly “too fun” for his taste? I dint see how that made sense at all but apparently it did to him and thinking about it, most guys I know think the same way.
A guy once told me that I am the only woman he knows he can call at 2AM and I will be in the house not in some club or bar, a point for me, I’m guessing, but still.
So you meet a girl in a bar or club and that straight away says she is not the take-home-to-mum type? Men, aren’t we forgetting a very important part of the equation here? YOU are In the same bar/club, aren’t you? So does that mean that you, as the guy, are not a person I would want to take home to meet the parents too? Good question, huh?

There is this stereo type for girls you meet in the club, Party Girls, and I think it’s a common misconception that all girls in that club fall into that category.

Chrystal is a lawyer [with a stripper’s name (I just had to)]and her job takes up most of her time, she gets off work late and starts real early; she doesn’t have any other chance to let off steam other than when she meets up with the girls and they go dancing. She takes of the power suit and its shorts or a LBD to the club where she dances most of the night or sips on a drink.
So you meet Chrystal on the dance floor and you immediately assume she is a PG coz of the location and dismiss her as a potential partner? No problem, she is probably out of your league; you pious jerk! Oh, there she goes! There is the me we all know.

In all seriousness, I think sometimes men are pretentious when it comes to women, you have double standards, like if a girl has slept with quite a number of men, she is a whore or not worth it? Aren’t you the same men she slept with? I don’t see how it is wrong, im not saying to go and sleep with many men, there are many risks, especially diseases, but still!
So here you are in a club and you are very likely to be looking to “funga” someone, but in the same breathe, pass judgment on a girl who might just be out on a date with her girls? How insanely demented is that?
I looked at that guy that day and I thought he was as sanctimonious as those men who go around trying to sleep with every girl they meet but still want to marry a virgin, smh. I went to the dance floor then and danced my tush off and for the next two hours, I was a party girl. I had fun; good food, some fine wine and wonderful girl friends, yes, I was a party girl for a few hours, and after that, I went home, put away my shoes and went to sleep in my own bed. And you and your judgmental self missed the chance to meet a truly amazing person because you think that the same thing you go to a club to do is what I was out doing.

Think about it…

1 comment:

  1. Shae,
    liked reading your blog...your emotions are high huh, but we can attribute all these to male ego and stereotyping...Derek : )
