Monday, July 26, 2010


I fell in love once and it felt oh, so true,
I fell in love and I hit my head the whole way down
I fell in love and I got in so deep,
I fell in love and drowned in its twin brown pools
I fell in love and I felt fear and happiness in a single beat
I fell in love and wanted to stay in limbo forever
I fell in love and got lost to all reality
I fell in love and I wanted nothing more
I fell in love and nothing else mattered to me
I fell in love and everything seemed right
I fell in love and my heart filled to bursting
I fell in love and my thoughts were centered
I fell in love and I felt loved
I fell in love and all else dimmed in its sight
I fell in love and I found me
I fell in love and I found you
I fell in love with you.

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